Some Important Question related to Ancient History

1. Indus Valley Civilisation became known from excavations at ______?
Ans Harappa

2. Granary at Harappa was made of which material?
Ans Bricks only

3. Which color was commonly used n Harappa pottery?

4.Which rulling dynasty did Gautam Buddha belong to ?

5.Who was the founder of gupta dynasty?
Ans- Sri gupta

6.Which Persian ruler occupied part of Indian Territory?
Ans- Darius I

7. Which Rashtrakut kings defeated the Pratihar ruler Nagabhatta I ?
Ans- Govind III

8. Who was the founder of Satvahana dynasty?
Ans- Simuka

9. Shvetambaras and Digambaras were to sect of which religion?
Ans- Jainism

10. Where did Mahavira attain Nirvana?
Ans- Pavapuri

11. Who succeeded the Maurayas?
Ans- Sungas

12. In Which language did Buddha preach?
Ans- Pali

13. Who was the last Maruyan ruler and who killed him?
Ans- Brihadratha was the last Maruyan ruler and he was killed by Pushyamitra.

14. Ajanta caves were built during whose period?
Ans -Gupta

15. Who built the rock-cut temples of Mahabalipuram?
Ans- Pallavas

16. Lord Buddha was born on which place?
Ans- Lumbini

17. In which century did Ashoka reign?
Ans- Third century

18. Pulakesin II was contemporary of which ruler?
Ans- Harshavardhna

19. Gayatri Mantra is written in which veda?
Ans- Rigveda

20.  Which dynasty introduced the use of zero or decimal system?
Ans- Gupta

21. Who is known as Nepoleon of India?
Ans- Samudragupta

22. Bucephalus was the name of the horse of which ruler?
Ans- Alexander

23. Chandragupta II fought war with which of the dynasty ruler?
Ans- Sakas
24. Kanishka's captial was at which place?
Ans- Peshawar

25. Who was the Greek ambassador sent to Chandragupta Maurya court?
Ans- Megasthenes

26. Texila was famous site of which art?
Ans- Gandhara art

27. Ashoka pillar is located at which place?
Ans- Lauriya Nandangarh

28. Tripitakas are the sacred books of which religion?
Ans- Buddhism

29. Buddha attained mahaparinirvana(death) at which place?
Ans- Kushinagar

30. Chanakya also known as Kautilya was the prime minister during reign of which maurya ruler?
Ans- Chandragupta maurya

31. Mahavira born at which place?
Ans- Vaishali

32. Alexandra the great died at which place?
Ans- Babylon

33. The captial of Chalukyas was located at which place?
Ans- Badami

34. The main theme of Ajanta Paintings was jataka stories about the life of ____?
Ans- Lord  Buddha

35. What is soma?
Ans- Soma was a herb and supposed to be a sarosanct drink for religious purposes.

36. Arthashastra was written by ____?
Ans- Kautilya

37. The great scholar Banabhatta lived during the reign of which ruler?
Ans- Harsha

38. Vaishakha Purnima is celebrating as the ____?
Ans- Buddha Purnima

39. Who is the father of history?
Ans- Herodotus

40. Alexandra remained in India for how many months?
Ans- 19 months

41. The Hundred Years war was fought between which two country?
Ans-England and France

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