Railway Gk Questions asked on 6th April 2016 ( 1st Shift + 2nd Shift + 3rd Shift)

1)In which year Microsoft was started?

Ans: 1975

2) Largest stadium of America is _______.

Ans: Michigan stadium

3) Who is first woman DG of parliamentary?

Ans: Archana Ramsasundaram

4) Other name of Badshah Khan is _____.

Ans: Khan Abdul Ghafar Khan

5) Calcium hydroxide is in ______.

Ans: Limewater

6) Nephron belongs ?


7) Syed Modi grand prix for ______

Ans: Badminton

8) Startup India launched Year?

Ans. 2016

9) What is Smiling Buddha mission?

Ans. India’s first successful nuclear bomb test At Pokhran city.

10) Mars planet other name?

Ans. Red planet.

11) Yellow fever caused by?

Ans. Male mosquitoes.

12) Chief election commissioner is removed by?

Ans. Parliament with two-thirds majority in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha.

13) British rule ended in which year?

Ans. 1947.

14) Female wrestler who won Arjuna award in 2015?

Ans. Babita Kumari.

15) Who won more grand slams in the year 2015?

Ans. Novak Djokovic.

16)  Political System of Afghanistan is known as?

Ans.  Democratic Republic.

17) 1st chairman of ISRO?

Ans. Vikram sarabhai.

18) Gagan Narang related to which sport?

Ans.  Air rifle shooting.

19) When Microsoft started?

Ans. April 4, 1975.

20) Parliament construction year?

Ans. 1927.

21) Largest stadium in America?

Ans. Michigan stadium.

22) Which is not a gland?

Ans. Gall bladder.

23) Calcium hydroxide is found in ?

Ans. Lime water.

24)How Generator works?

Ans. By converting mechanical energy into electrical energy.

25) Ligo mission related to what?

Ans. Black hole.

26) Another name of Leprosy?

Ans. Hansen’s disease.

27) The Popular dance of Tamilnadu state?

Ans. Bharathanatyam.

28) who build Janther manther in New Delhi?

Ans. Maharaja Jai singh.

29) Currency of Myanmar?

Ans. Burmese kyat;

30) What is shortcut key of pasting in MS word?

Ans. Ctrl+V.

31) Dwarf planet is ?

Ans. Pluto.

32) Indian Independance year?

Ans. 1947.

33) Laughing gas?

Ans. Nitrous oxide.

34)Who is the father of modern Genetics?

Ans. Gregor Mendel

35).In which year does second Panipat war took place

Ans: 1556

36) Which country celebrate Independence on 19th August?

Ans: Afghanistan

38) The project ‘LIGO’ is related to _______

Ans:  rivers

39)  On how many pollutants National Air Quality Index is based?

Ans:  8

40) In which year anglo sikh war was fought?

Ans: 1845

41) Who is 8th UN secretary general?

Ans: Ban-ki-moon

42) Name of Ganga in Bangladesh?

Ans: Padma

43) What is the name of Prince of UAE?

A: Mohammed bin zayed al nahyan

44) How medicine reacts in our body?

45) Who walked in space for the first time?

Ans: Yuri Gagarin

46) What is escape velocity of earth in km/hr?

Ans: 40,270 km/hr

47) In which period we got independence?

Ans: Crown rule

48) Proteins are manufactured in which part of cell?

Ans: Ribosomes

49) Wellington trophy is related to _____.

Ans: Rowing

50) What are court dimensions in tennis doubles?

Ans: 36 feet( 10.97 metres)

51) Somnath temple?

Ans. 1025 AD

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