Ancient History

  • Indus Civilization term was used by John Marshall. The Indus Civilization was spread over Sindh, Baluchistan, Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Western UP, and Northern Maharashtra.
  • Harappa Civilization was discovered by Daya Ram Sahni in 1921 on the bank of river Ravi now in Pakistan. The Harappa were the earliest people to produce cotton it was called Sindon by the Greeks.
  • Mohenjodaro Civilization was  discovered by RD Banerjee in 1922 on the bank of river Indus in Larkana District (now in Pakistan).Mohenjodaro is also called Mound of the dead. Great Bath is discovered in Mohenjodaro Civilization.It is also the largest site of Indus Civilization.
  • Rakhigarhi the largest Indian site of Indus Civilization.
  • The founder of Jain religion was first Tirthankar Adinath Rishabanath. There were twenty four Tirthankars and mahavira was the last of these.
  • Vardman Mahavira or Jina was born in 540 BC at Kundaligram near Vaishali in Bihar.First Sermon at Pava to his eleven disciples known as Gandgharas.His father Sidharatha was the head of Jnathrika Kshtriya  and his mother name was trishala . Mahavira was also relatd to Bimbisara the ruler of Magadha.
  • Gautama Buddha founder of Buddhism, was born in 563 BC on the vaisakha purnima day at Lumbinivana in Kapilvastu (Nepal). His father name was Suddhodhana.Buddha delivered his first sermon at Sarnath to his five deciples this is known as Dharmachakra Pravartana.
  • Buddhaist Councils
  • 1st Buddhaist Council was held at Saptaparni(Rajgriha) in 483 BC during the reign of Ajatashatru (Harayanka Dynasty).
  • 2nd Buddhaist Council was held at Vaishali in 383 BC during the reign of Kalashoka (Shisunaga Dynasty).
  • 3rd Buddhaist Council was held at Patliputra in 250 BC during the reign of Ashoka (Maurya Dyansty).
  • 4th Buddhaist Council was held at Kundala (Kashmir) in 98 AD during the reign of Kanishka (Kushana Dynasty).
  • The founder of Magadha was Jarasandha and Brihadratha.
  • Haryanka Dynasty (544 BC- 412 BC)
  • Bimbisara(544 BC -492 BC) - He was founder of Haryanka dynasty.He was contemporary to the Gautama Buddha. He was built the city of New Rajagriha.
  • Ajatashatru (492 BC- 460 BC)-  Ajatashatru was the son of Bimbisara he occupied throne by killing his father. First Buddha Council was held during his reign.
  • Udayin (460 BC- 440 BC)- Ajatshatru was succeeded by his son Udayin. He transferred the capital from Rajgriha to the new city Patliputra. Udayin was succeeded by weak rulers Anuruddha, Munda and Naga Dasak.
  • Shisunaga Dynasty (412 BC- 344 BC)
  • Shisunaga was the minister of Nag Dasak. Nag Dasak was unworthy to rule. So people elected Shisunaga as the king. Shisunaga was succeeded by Kalashoka. The Second Buddhists Council was held during the reign of Kalashoka in Vaishali.
  • Nanda Dynasty (344 BC- 323 BC)
  • Mahapadma was the founder of Nanda Dynasty. He is also known as Ekarat or Sarvakshatrantak. It was the first Non-Kshatriya dynasty. He was succeeded by his eight sons.Dhanananda Was the last ruler of this dynasty. Alexander invasion India during the reign of Dhananandha in 326 BC.
  • Foreign Invasions
  • Cyrus of Persia was the first foreigner  who invaded India. Darius-I grandson of Cyrus penetrated into North West India in 518 BC and annexed Punjab, West of the Indus and Sind.
  • Alexander  was the king of Macedonia invaded India in 326 BC.Alexander defeated Porus in the Battle of Hydaspas..He remained in India for 19 months and died in Babylon at the age of 33 years.
  • Mauryan Period (322-185 BC)
  • Chandragupta Maurya(322 BC-298 BC)- He was founder of Mauryan Dynasthy. Megasthenese was a Greek ambassador sent to the court of Chandragupta Maurya by Selecus Nikator.  Chandragupta with the help of Chanakya, started famous Mauryan Empire defeated King of Dhanananda.
  • Bindusara(298 BC-273 BC)- Chandragupta give his throne to his son Bindusara. Bindusara is known as Amitro Chates by Greeks.
  • Ashoka (273 BC- 232 BC)- Ashoka was the greatest Mauryan ruler.He fought Kalinga War in 261 BC. The Buddhist Council was convened during the reign of Ashoka at Pataliputra.The Mauryan dynasty lasted 137 years. Brihadratha was the last Mauryan ruler. He was murdered by Pushyamitra Sunga who established Sunga Dynasty.
  • Sunga Dynasty (185 BC-73 BC)
  • Sunga Dyansty was founded by Pushmitra Sunga. Agnimitra was the son of Pushmitra who was the hero of Kalidasa's drama Malvikagnimitra and was the next king of sunga dyansty after his father death. The famous book Manusmriti was complied during this period. Heliodorus was a Greek ambassador visited during the reign of fifth Sunga king Bhagabhadra.
  • Kanva Dynasty (73 BC- 28 BC)
  •  Kanva Dyansty was founded by Vasudeva who Killed Devabhuti the last ruler of Sunga Dynasty. The last ruler of Kanva Dynasty was Susarman and was killed by Simuka.
  • Satavahans Dynasty (60 BC-225 AD)
  • Simuka was the founder of Satavahans Dynasty after the assassination of Susarman the last kanva dynasty ruler.Gautamiputra Satakarni was the greatest ruler of this dynasty he defeated the Saka Ksatrap  Nanapana. Pulamavi III was the last Satavahans ruler.
  • The Sakas 1st BC- 4th AD
  • A new era was started known as Saka Era. The most famous rular of Saka was Rudradaman. The Government of India adopted the Saka Era from March 22,1957 along with the Gregorian Calendar for official purposes. The Calendar started with Chaitra as the first month of year.
  • The Kushans 1st BC- 3rd AD
  • The Kushan dynasty was founded by Kadphises. A famous ruler of this dynasty was Kanishka who was also known as second Ashoka. In his reign 4th Buddhist Council was held in Kundalavana, Kashmir.
  • Gupta Period ( 319-540 AD)
  • This period is referred as the Classical Age or Golden Age.
  • Chandragupta I 319-334 AD- Sri Gupta was the founder of gupta dynasty. Chandragupta was the important ruler of this dynasty. He was assumed the title of Maharajadhiraja He started new Era known as Gupta era in 320 AD. He was married to Lichchhavi Princess Kumara Devi issued coins of Kumara Devi images.
  • Samudragupta (335-380 AD)-  He was also known as Nepoleon of India. Chandragupta was succeeded by his son Samudragupta. Sri Lanka King Meghavarna sent an embassy to Samudragupta for his permission build a monastery for Buddhist pilgrims at Bodha Gaya.
  • Chandragupta  II Vikramaditya (380-414 AD)- Chandragupta succeeded Ramgupta and married to Dhruvadevi widow of Ramgupta. Chinese pilgrim Fahien visited during his reign. Harisena was the court poet of his reign. Kalidasa (nine gems) poet of chandragupta II court known as the Shakespeare of India.
  • Kumaragupta I (415-455 AD)-  Chandragupta II was succeeded by his son Kumaragupta. He was founder of Nalanda University. During the last year of his reign Gupta empire was invaded by Huns.
  • Skandagupta (455-467 AD)- He was son of Kumaragupta. He defeated the Huns and assumed the title Vikramaditya.
  • Post Gupta Dynasty/ Vardhana Dynasty (550 -647 AD)
  • Pushyabhuti was the founder of Vardhana Dynasty. Prabhakaravardhana was the first important ruler of this dynasty. Harshavardhan ascended the throne in 606 AD and then he started new era Harsha Era. The Chinese Piligrim Hiuen Tsang visited India during his reign.  Harsha defeated  Dhruvasena II the Maitraka ruler of Vallabhi. Harshavardhana was defeated by Chalukyan King Pulakesin-II of Vatapi in Deccan.Harsha wrote three dramas: Priyadarshika, Ratnavall and Naganada.

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